Archive for the 'Health' Category

Vitamins l History and Nomenclature l definition l Explanation

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Vitamins l History and Nomenclature l definition l Explanation
Vitamins l History and Nomenclature l definition l Explanation
Vitamins l History and Nomenclature l definition l Explanation
Vitamins l History and Nomenclature l definition l Explanation
Vitamins l History and Nomenclature l definition l Explanation
Vitamins l History and Nomenclature l definition l Explanation

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Vitamins are the building blocks that keep our bodies running; they help build muscle and bone, capture energy, heal wounds and more. But if our body doesn’t create vitamins, how do they get into our system? Ginnie Trinh Nguyen describes what vitamins are, how they get into our bodies — and why they are so crucial.

Lesson by Ginnie Trinh Nguyen, animation by The Moving Company Animation Studio.
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VItamin M success stories

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Mr. HARSH DEDHIA sharing his views with Vitamin M stock market training course

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Lysine Supplement – The 3 Most Common Mistakes to Avoid

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Lysine supplements are available everywhere now but more than 90% are a waste of money (best case) or make your health struggles even worse.

MY GUT-SUPPLEMENT KIT ☀️ Video Tutorial + Bonus Check Lists to find the best supplement to heal your digestive struggles!

High-Quality L-Lysine Supplement (without fillers or toxic ingredients)

★ L-Lysine Capsules (up to 7 caps per day)

In this video, I share with you the three most common mistakes to avoid when you are taking a lysine supplement. If you like to learn more about lysine benefits and how l-lysine can help you beyond treating cold sores or hormonal acne, then watch this video:

L-Lysine – One healing benefit that can save your health & stop you from getting worse!


// V I D E O S to watch next

Hawaiian Spirulina – The Best Detox Pills to Speed Up Healing & Reduce Detox Symptoms ►

Playlist 🎧 Best Supplements for Gut Healing 🎧

Iodine – 3 Things Nobody Tells That Can Save Your Health

Why diets and supplements suck! Here’s why you struggle to heal…

Colloidal Silver Benefits – One Remedy that Heals (almost) Everything!


// R E S O U R C E S

GUT HEALING Cheat Sheet (FREE) 🍏 Six simple rules to follow to start improving your gut health – 📌 Pin it on your fridge!

SHOP 🌿 My favorite supplements & health products

MY GUT-SUPPLEMENT KIT ☀️ Video Tutorial + Bonus Check Lists to find the best supplement to heal your digestive struggles!

GUT HEALING GUIDE 🥦 Make your own delicious & simple healing food & start healing your gut in 1 week!



// P L A Y L I S T S

▸ 🌿 Detoxing made SIMPLE & SAFE! |
▸ 🍌 Acid Reflux, Constipation & Bloating |
▸ 🍀 Goodbye Seasonal Allergies |
▸ ⭐ Best Supplements for Gut Healing |
▸ 🍏 SIBO – How to heal fast |


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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed by Peggy Schirmer / Gut Feelings, are published for educational and informational purposes only. They are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment. Please consult a physician or other healthcare practitioner for your specific health care and/or medical needs or concerns.

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#GutFeelings #CeleryJuice #PeggySchirmer #SIBO #GutHealing

We know you should wash your hands and social distance, but what else can you do? Monica Robins has the two supplements you can take to improve your protection.
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Jenis-Jenis Vitamin yang Anda Perlukan

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Kenapa dia terus lompat dari ABCDE ke K?

Boleh dapatkan vitamin untuk tubuh badan yang lebih sihat di sini

#najwasafian #kesihatan
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Anda pernah menjalani sperm analysis dan hasilnya menghampakan? Jangan risau. Ada cara berkesan unuk tingkatkan kesuburan lelaki. Kos pun tak mahal.

Hubungi saya
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Vitamin C and Zinc Tablets Benefis,Dosage,Side Effects | Vit.C🔥🔥

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Vitamin C and zinc play important roles in providing adequate nutrition and immune defense. This supplement may be given to prevent or treat certain deficiencies caused by poor nutrition, different diseases, medications, or pregnancy.🔥🔥
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दोस्तों मे आपके लिए नये नये प्रकार के हेल्थ से सम्बंधित विडियो लाता रहूँगा और बहुत सारे प्रोडक्ट का रिव्यु करूँगा चाहे वो आयुर्वेदिक हो ,होम्योपैथिक हो या फिर एलोपैथी से संबंध हो, जो की को आपके काफी काम के रहेंगे और आपको सरल भाषा मे समझाने की कोशिश करूँगा और आपके कमेंट्स का जवाब दूंगा और आपकी डिमांड पर विडियो बनाने की पूरी कोशिश भी करूँगा और हाँ दोस्तों मेरी चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना न भूले |
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Disclaimer: This video on this channel is designed for educational or knowledge purposes only. It is not intended to be substitute for any information medical advice for care. You should not use this information to diagnose treat any health problems. Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your or your child’s condition.
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All the videos, songs, images and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and I or this channel does not claim any right over them.
#VitaminC #ZincTablet #Knowledge4Indian

Supplements Needed During Pregnancy with #GetActiveExpert

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Supplements Needed During Pregnancy with #GetActiveExpert

Get supplements featured in this video from Watsons stores and ONLINE! 👉

In today’s episode of Get Active Expert, let’s hear what Amira our knowledgeable Watsons Health Advisor has to share on the supplements that are needed during pregnancy! 🤓 You can also visit Watsons pharmacy for more insights from our helpful pharmacists and health advisors! ❤

Missed out on our previous episodes? 😉 Check out our playlist now! 👉

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Mengenal Penyebab dan Cara Mengatasi Nyeri Sendi dan Sakit Lutut Pasca Operasi

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Mengenal Penyebab dan Cara Mengatasi Nyeri Sendi dan Sakit Lutut Pasca Operasi

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV – Segmen Sehat di Tengah Pandemi, pihak Kompas TV akan membacakan pertanyaan yang dikirim sehari sebelumnya melalui instagram @sapaindonesia_ kompastv dan hari ini anda dapat juga bertanya langsung melalui sambungan telepon interaktif, di nomor 021-5366-0500.

Pagi ini sudah ada dr. Yuli Suciati, Dokter Spesialis Kedokteran Fisik dan Rehabilitasi akan membantu menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dalam episode kali ini

@srisugiyanto0 : Saya operasi tkr lutut kaki kanan sudah hampir 6 bulansampai saat ini, ada benjolan di sebelah kanan lutut yang semakin besar di pegang dan di tekan tidak terasa sakit. Sebenarnya benjolan ini berbahaya tidak dok? Sekarang lutut tidak bisa di tekuk sempurna. Apakah bisa lutut saya kembali menekuk normal dok?

@aslanandfriend_cat : Pagi dok, sudah 3 minggu ini lutut bagian bawah saya terasa nyeri. Dan sakit sekali jika di tekuk. Sepertinya ada masalah dengan otot saya di bagian lutut. Bagaimana ini dok? Pengobatan apa yang bisa saya lakukan sendiri. Karena untuk saat ini saya takut periksa ke dokter.

@aniiskandar396 : Pagi dokter. Saya pernah jatuh. Terus dalam jangka waktu yang panjang ada pembengkakan di otot sebelah kiri pas dekat tulang belakang. Tapi saya pernah rontgen tidak ada saraf kejepit dok. Apakah ini berbahaya untuk kedepannya dok?

@wulandariakhmad : Usia saya 45 tahun. Saya pernah terpleset dan tulang ada yang retak dan sendi di mata kaki agak renggang, kaki sempat di gips selama kurang lebih 2 bulan, sekarang sudah bisa aktifitas normal tetapi sendi memang tidak bisa senormal dulu. Terapi apa yang bisa saya lakukan agar sendi kembali normal lagi? Terima kasih
Video Rating: / 5

Vitamin E (Tocopherol) Biochemistry: Sources, Daily requirements, Functions, Deficiency and Toxicity

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Vitamin E (Tocopherol) Biochemistry: Sources, Daily requirements, Functions, Deficiency and Toxicity

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Vitamin E (Tocopherol): Sources, Daily requirements, Functions, Deficiency Symptoms, and Toxicity

Synonyms: tocopherol, tocotrienols
Active form: tocopherol
Sources: meat, eggs, vegetable oils, leafy vegetables[7]
Transport: alpha-tocopherol transfer protein (α-TTP)
Storage: adipose tissue, parenchymal cells of the liver

Protection from free radicals, especially erythrocytes and cell membranes
Interrupts free radical chains and oxidizes itself as a result

Other functions
Inhibition of platelet aggregation, cell proliferation, and monocyte adhesion
Enzyme inhibition (e.g., protein kinase C, phospholipase A2)
Inhibition of gene transcription (e.g., for α-TTP, tropomyosin alpha-1 chain)

Vitamin E deficiency
Deficiency is very rare
Fat malabsorption disorders (e.g., cystic fibrosis)
Defects in genes that code for α-TTP

Clinical features
Neurologic dysfunction
Demyelination of the posterior column and spinocerebellar tract → ↓ proprioception and vibration sensation; ataxia → symptoms similar to vitamin B12 deficiency
Differentiation from vitamin B12 deficiency: lack of hypersegmented neutrophils, megaloblastic anemia, and increased methylmalonic acid levels
Hemolytic anemia: deficiency results in increased fragility of erythrocytes and membrane breakdown
Muscle weakness

Vitamin E toxicity
Toxicity is very rare
Causes: over-supplementation
Clinical features
In infants: increased risk of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)
Alteration of warfarin metabolism → increased anticoagulation → increased risk of bleeding
Increased incidence of heart failure, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and increased mortality
Therapeutic uses
Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis: consider vitamin E for antioxidant effect

#vitaminE #VitaminEfunctions #Vitaminedeficiency #vitaminEsources #VitaminEBiochemistry #vitaminEusmle #VitaminEbiology #vitaminEmetabolism #vitamineuses #vitaminEbenefits #vitaminEfunctions

Vitamin B12, B1 & B2 Benefits In Urdu/Hindi | COVID-19 Immunity Boosting Foods | Vitamin B Ke Fayde

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is affecting every aspect of our lives, from telecommuting to work from home to country’s lock down. Observing public health measures and reducing exposure to the virus are required to slow the spread of this disease.

No one knows how long this coronavirus (COVID-19) safety measures will need to stay in place, but it presents a perfect time to protect and improve your health while practicing social distancing. Healthy eating is especially important for keeping your immune system in top condition. One such important nutrient to boost the immune system is Vitamin B. To book a personal appointment with a dietitian visit the following links:

Vitamin B play a vital role in maintaining good health and well-being. As the building blocks of a healthy body, Vitamin B have a direct impact on your energy levels, brain function, and cell metabolism.

In this video, Ms. Ayesha Nasir, an expert Nutritionist from Lahore is giving advice in Urdu/Hindi, on foods that are rich in Vitamin B and how you can include them in your healthy diet. The Vitamin B rich foods can help to boost your immunity to fight against coronavirus (COVID-19). If you or anyone in your family are worried about the coronavirus please visit a doctor and get yourself tested.

Ms. Ayesha Nasir is a Dietitian practicing at Cosme Studio (DD Block, DHA) Lahore. Ms. Ayesha is also available for Online Video Consultation at To book an appointment with Ms. Ayesha, please visit the following link or call 042-3890-0939.
Video Rating: / 5

Do you get enough B vitamins in your diet? Be active in knowing whether you should treat or supplement with Vitamin B. Well, you might be asking right now; what exactly is the difference? To answer this question and so much more, we are joined in studio by Pharmacist Tshepo Seforo.

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Zat Gizi Mikro: VItamin larut Air (Water Soluble Vitamin)

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This Video describes about definition, types, metabolism, food sources, benefits and malnutrion of water soluble vitamin.

Hope you find it useful
thank you
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